Why CFM?
CFM began in 2008 out of a realized and apparent need for financial and administrative support in the local church. While engaging with pastors and church planters, our founder quickly realized that there were gaps and needs to assist churches in the financial and administrative areas of ministry. One of these gaps is not having a financial plan, another is not having a financial process, and a third is a lack of nonprofit accounting experience in the church. We discovered that these gaps are real and serious to the health and function of the church. Most churches have some kind of financial or bookkeeping structure but that does not mean they have a thorough process or are following appropriate accounting practices.
We discovered that generally pastors are visionaries and work to raise up people and create a Gospel and community impact. Their gift sets and personalities usually lean towards teaching, shepherding, and leading people but not in managing finances and administration. CFM was birthed out of a desire to assist these types of pastors and churches.
Since our inception in 2010 as a nonprofit, we have been helping churches get financially on track, organizationally healthy, and have saved churches lots of time, money, and frustration. CFM has grown every year since its inception which is attributed to the need of such servicing and the abilities of our team.
The desire of this ministry is to help churches establish financial rhythms and honor our Lord Jesus Christ in doing so. At CFM our motto is, “we manage so you can minister.” Let us “manage” for your ministry!

Andy Weber
Founder, President, & Financial Architect
Andy is the founder, president, and financial architect. Since 2006, he has been a builder in the nonprofit accounting realm serving churches, nonprofits, and denominational organizations. Andy is passionate about creating healthy financial and administrative systems within the church. Andy believes so strongly about the need to invest in healthy financial processes within the church that he started this ministry in 2010 to help churches take their next financial step and to create financial awareness.
Chris Provin
Numbers Strategist
Chris brings a great skill set to the team! His work has been with several multi billion dollar corporations. He adds depth to CFM through his management, IT, budgeting, and financial analyzing. Chris has also served in many ministries within the local church, including finances.
Brian Harrison & Bradley Norris
Directional Advisors
Brian and Bradley both serve as directional advisors for CFM. Their excitement and passion for ministry is a driver for their involvement with CFM. Brian and Bradley have years of pastoral ministry experience and service on nonprofit leadership boards. CFM would not be where it is today if it were not for these two men.